Detroit Regional Dashboard

One of the nation's most populous regions and largest economies is the Detroit Region, which has shown resiliency over the past few years. There has been positive economic output, population increase, and job growth with steady labor force participation rates.

DRP Holiday Mingle

Thank you for joining us at the DRP Holiday Mingle on November 30 at the offices of Warner Norcross and Judd! It was wonderful to connect with our investors and celebrate the holiday season.

Why We Do What We Do

Reflecting on the past year, I think back to a technician with autism who had unsuccessfully applied for 800 jobs despite his college degree and impeccable credentials. It reminded me of how our team worked with the Autism Alliance of Michigan to help him apply and land a good job with a global automotive firm retooling its plant. Working with partners we helped the company hire for more than 675 jobs in one of our cities after accessing often overlooked talent pools.